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My dream Summer Getaway

Oh my El Nido!

.. I am a member of less fortunate people in the philippines and dream to be here...

But for this time.. I'll enjoy my site seeing here in blog..

-the best place to have a summer getaway..Located at Palawan
What a nice place to enjoy your solitude.. and a place for meditation..

Imagine that it has 45 beaches surrounded over El Nido.. That's why you would really enjoy Island Hopping. And dream to stay here forever..

As I research in the net.. For only 600- 700 pesopesosesss can enjoy a whole day exploring in the caves, snorkeling and kayaking.. Wow.. so expensive for me!(hehehehe)

EL Nido Foods

Oooh lala.. the big lobsters that really makes you fat.
fRESH TAHONG... definitely to take you to have an extra rice..
.. How I wish I can taste that but for now.. Calling the attention of my friendly readers who are planning to have a vacation in El Nido... please.. please buy me A PASALUBONG!

Earth Hour

Join the millions of people and be the one to get involved and make a bigger and better Earth Hour movement.

Created to take a stand against the greatest threat our planet has ever faced, Earth Hour uses the simple action of turning off the lights for one hour to deliver a powerful message about the need for action on global warming.

About Earth Hour

On March 31 2007, for one hour, Sydney made a powerful statement about the greatest contributor to global warming – coal-fired electricity – by turning off its lights. Over 2.2 million Sydney residents and over 2,100 businesses switched off, leading to a 10.2% energy reduction across the city. What began as one city taking a stand against global warming caught the attention of the world.

In 2008, 24 global cities will participate in Earth Hour at 8pm on March 29. Earth Hour is the highlight of a major campaign to encourage businesses, communities and individuals to take the simple steps needed to cut their emissions on an ongoing basis. It is about simple changes that will collectively make a difference – from businesses turning off their lights when their offices are empty, to households turning off appliances rather than leaving them on standby.

Its only more than just an Hour

Turning the lights off for Earth Hour is a great first step, but if you really want to see a difference, then make Earth Hour part of your everyday life.

Simple things like turning off appliances while not in use and switching your light globes to energy efficient bulbs, will all help us reach our goal of reducing our annual emissions by 5%. Even something as simple as turning out lights when you’re not in a room and switching to cleaner sources of electricity like “green power”, make a big difference.

to get involve join here! and get a free candle... courtesy of Aling Petra's sarisari-store..

Oh my Chocolate!

This past few weeks, my mom got sick.. i'm so sad about that, but despite of that i'm eager to have a post at least once a week. But my fingertips tells me to stop for a while.. be at my self solve my tensions and agony in my life(tears..)

My mom is the most important person in my life.. that's why it has a big impact to me.. when I see her everyday..crying because of the pain she feels everytime her head is aching or attacked her hypertension..and see her lying in the bed of the hospital.. My gosh! I don't know what to do.. but don't you worry my dear reader's my mom is quite okay for now.. Thank's to God..

And beacuse of that big connivance happening in my beautiful life. I'll look at my tommorow with a smile on my face because of my everdearest favorite food !


.. My favorite Chocolates in the world.. Thanks for helping me..

and How can Chocolate help me.. uhmm.. just read this facts:

Chocolates..They are delicious. And now, they also seem to be beneficial for your health. A daily dose of yummy dark chocolate may help patients suffering from the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS).

According to scientists from Hull York Medical School, dark chocolates have been found to lower levels of serotonin, a brain chemical related to CFS. Serotonin is also believed to play an important role in the regulation of anger, aggression, body temperature, mood, sleep, vomiting and appetite. The team said patients with CFS found that their symptoms were alleviated when they consumed dark chocolate, much more so than when they consumed milk chocolate that had brown dye added to it.

The scientists, however, stressed that the quantity of dark chocolate consumed should be moderate. Endocrinologist Steve Atkin said, “Although it was a small study, two patients went back to work after being off for six months. Dark chocolate is high in polyphenols, which have been associated with health benefits such as reduction in blood pressure. Also, high polyphenols appear to improve levels of serotonin in the brain, which has been linked with CFS.” According to nutritionist Dr Shikha Sharma, consuming two cubes of dark chocolate is good enough. “Dark chocolates better preserve the benefits of cocoa as they have less sugar in it. Cocoa is rich in antioxidant properties. It’s even better when added with resins or nuts. But it has to be consumed in moderation. Consuming bars of dark chocolate can overstimulate the nervous system,” Sharma said. Atkin and his team then carried out a trial on 10 patients to check whether dark chocolate benefited them also.

As part of the experiment, the patients received a daily dose - 45g - of dark chocolate or white chocolate dyed to look like dark chocolate for two months. This was followed by a month in which they were not given any chocolate, before being given the other type of chocolate for two months. To their surprise, the researchers noted that patients taking dark chocolate reported significantly less fatigue when they started eating the sweet. They also reported more fatigue when they stopped eating it.
.. LOOK chocolate will help you in times of your sad moments.. i love it..

Music Idol

Well I'm sure that many of you are already watched this video.. but i really want to post it in my own blog..Because it makes me smile.. reminding me that I'm not alone..Hehe..

I first seen this video with the REYNA ELENA of the universe. I got curious about it so I played it. Then a hilarious beatiful girl make me smile all day long.. because I use to sing her own version of Mariah Carey "Without you"..

But I really love this beautiful lady.. for the most confident lady in the universe.

Lenten Season..

Lent prepares the Christian for the yearly commemoration of Christ's Death and Resurrection.

Forty weekdays- hence the term cuarsma in Spanish-are given over to prayer, almsgiving, fasting, and abstinence from meat. Christ's forty-day retreat in the desert and his success in resisting the devil's temptation to wealth, power, and glory inspires the Christian.

The month of April marks the celebration of Christ's death and resurrection, what the pious call in the Philippines "Holy Week" or Semana Santa. In contrast to other Christian countries, Filipino Catholics give emphasis on the suffering of Christ, rather than on His resurrection, on the belief that salvation comes at the end.

Religious piety is passionately displayed in different parts of the Philippines, particularly in the provinces where communities go on pilgrimage to as many churches and devotees re-enacting Christ's ordeal through real-life crucifixion under the scorching heat of the sun. Extreme forms of religious practices such as self-flagellation using whips tipped with sharp objects that scar the backs of hooded penitents are some of the rituals that are performed to this day. The penitents are taken down seconds after being nailed to the wooden crosses using 2-inch stainless steel nails soaked in alcohol. These crucifixions take place in the town of San Pedro, Pampanga, north capital of Manila.

Real-life crucifixion are not countenanced by the Catholic Church, but the fine line that separates religious ritual from spectacle is slowly erased as hundreds of tourists troop to this quaint town to witness the tradition in awe and amazement. Such rituals are part of a folk religious culture that has deep roots in a brand of obscurantism that dates back to the Spanish colonial period. Hispanic Filipinos likened the suffering of Christ to their oppression in the hands of their abusive Spanish landlords and friars. Indeed, "Holy Week" encapsulates the Filipino culture of suffering, poverty and illness; it speaks not just of our redemption in the next life, but also our travails of our present life.

But for modern day Filipinos, Holy Week is an opportunity to escape from the hustle and bustle of urban living to the serene beaches and picturesque landscapes spread across the archipelago. It is also a respite from the snarl of Manila's traffic jams and the din of political campaigning and electioneering that follows the Lenten season.

...Here Comes the Lenten Season, a time to reflect what GOD''s sacrifice to us ..I see this video at you tube and here's how Filipino people celebrate the Lenten Season in Philippines.

RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury)

I take a rest this past few days, that’s why I didn’t have a post.. not because I have still aftershock because of my newly website. Your wrong!
Last Saturday after I wake up in the morning my hands are too tired and also I’m suffering in backache. I’m not in the mood to post for my blog. Then I got wonder why I feel this.
Suddenly, I remembered about my professor said when I was in college about this symptoms. It reminds me about the RSI (Repetitive Strain Injury). Oh my gosh! Did I have that?? Let’s check it out..!

what is RSI?
Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI)- is a potentially debilitating condition resulting from overusing the hands to perform a repetitive task, such as typing, writing, or clicking a mouse. Anyone who uses a computer regularly is at risk and should know about RSI. Unfortunately, most people are uninformed and do not understand what RSI is or how serious it can be.
What are the symptoms of RSI?
The primary warning sign of RSI is pain in the upper extremities (fingers, palms, wrists, forearms, shoulders). The pain may be burning, aching, or shooting. It could be local (e.g., fingertips) or diffuse (e.g., the entire forearm). The pain will typically be increased after a long session of computer use. Keep in mind, however, you can have severe RSI without experiencing pain.

Do you experience:
-Fatigue or lack of endurance?
-Weakness in the hands or forearms?
-Tingling, numbness, or loss of sensation?
-Heaviness: Do your hands feel like dead weight?
-Clumsiness: Do you keep dropping things?
-Lack of strength in your hands? Is it harder to open jars? Cut vegetables?
-Lack of control or coordination?
-Chronically cold hands?
-Heightened awareness? Just being slightly more aware of a body part can be a clue that something is wrong.
-Frequent self-massage (subconsciously)?
-Sympathy pains? Do your hands hurt when someone else talks about their hand pain?

How to prevent RSI? Now watch this video..

How To Prevent RSI

I hope that it would help you... Specially to my fellow bloggers out there.

Supah Welcome

..Today I cordially announce my newly own website with my newly own domain name
..First I wanna thanks to the ff.

1. God for having me in the earth with super hilarious mind.
2. Super thank you to dneero paid surveys, because of this paid surveys, I do have own my domain name, and also many spoken bloggers hear they random thoughts through answering the surveys.
3. To my super online teacher ITOT . from the very start of the beginning until now, he keep me encouraging and supporting me all the way, to have my own website be more profitable.
4. To my everdearest sisterette camillee, my dwelling place slash person whenever I need comfort……. Tears.. super thanks..
5. And the last to all my fellow blogger friendly friends in WORDPRESS and BLOGSPOT who support me all the way, giving me comments and suggestions that makes me become a certified human in cyberspace.

All of my fellow viewers and readers all over the world who consistently visit my site.. I owe it to all of you.. Super thank you so much.
I hope that I would be more eager to post everyday my daily thoughts of life from the inner words from my mind…. Thank You..

Thanks Ate Jennie

Because of having a long time break in blogging I can't believe that someone will spy me during my solitude.. hehehe.. Thanks ate Jen for the touching tips you've share me and I will share it to all of you..

" Scientists have proven the importance of personal relationships. And if you add Maslow's triangle to the mix, you see the benefits of marriage.

uhmm.. a helpful tips for happiness..