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I heard about that "INTUITION" word when I watched the television last night. I heard it with Bong Revilla Jr. the father of the young mommy to be Ynah Revilla. He said that when he first time met the husband of Ynah which is Vince Del Rosario(the richy boy!) he felt a sudden Intuition he didn't know why he felt like that. And Mr. Revilla said that " Now I know why, he will be the husband of my very loving daughter" it was the sign for Mr. Revilla that Vince will be the biggest intuition of his life.

So what is INTUITION? in wikipedia it says that - ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning

but in my opinion...- Intuition is the sudden palpitation of your heart when you saw a person in a first glance. Its the feeling that you got nervous without knowing why.

Know How to Listen to your Intuition?

Here's How:
1. Turn off that car radio. Giving your physical hearing a rest can expand your inner ear.

2. At home, turn off the computer, the television, and the stereo. Spend a half hour or so in quiet meditation or solace.

3. Spend some quiet time alone in nature.

4. Pay attention to energy shifts in your physical body. Pain is telling you something is wrong.

5. Keep a dream journal.

6. Take moments in each day to clear your mind of distractions. Visualizing a chalkboard being erased often helps with this exercise.

7. On your way home tune in to see if you can "guess" how many pieces of mail are waiting for you in your mailbox. You will be amazed how accurate you will become at this over time.

8. Keep a synchronicity notebook to write down all your so called "coincidences."

9. Follow your hunches. Prepare to be amazed where they lead you.

10. Notice scents around you. What emotions or memories do they stir up?

11.Start noticing "markers" or "signs" that bring about particular sensations in your gut.

1. Try not to get bogged down with any nagging NEED TO KNOW when you are given a particular message. Explanations come along with intuitive messages on a "need to know basis."
2. Using your sixth sense is just like working a muscle. It will get stronger the more you use it.
3. Take cues from your pets. Animals can be especially sensitive to psychic energies.

Actually Intuition uses for Psychic Referrences. That's why when you are feeling it you have a Psychic power limited for one second only...(lol!)

Have a nice day!

1 supah stars:


June 7, 2008 at 9:10 AM

hmm sounds cool hehe nagyon alam ko na yung term hehe have a great day repah